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Sessay’s Governors

The Governing Body governs the Husthwaite and Sessay CE Primary Federation.

The statutory functions of the Governing Body are to:

  • Ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.
  • Hold the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff.
  • Oversee the financial performance of the school and make sure its money is well spent.

The governors meet as a full group – Full Governing Body Meetings – and have 2 focus groups.  These groups are Resources and School Improvement.

Resources – Strengthens the financial running and position of the school.

School Improvement – This group focuses on teaching, pupil progress, the curriculum and the school community as a whole.

Chair: Mary Sigsworth

Vice Chair: Gill Shaw

Clerk: Lesley Barber

Membership of Committees

# Resources School Improvement
1 Fiona Bennett
Ex-officio, Headteacher
1 Jan 2018
Fiona Bennett
Ex-officio, Headteacher
1 Jan 2018
2 Mary Sigsworth
Appointed by GB
6 Oct 2020 – 5 Oct 2024
Gill Shaw (Chair)
Appointed by GB
10 May 2019 – 11 May 2027
3 Louisa Carolan
Elected by parents
31 Oct 2020 – 30 Oct 2024
Rev David Biggs
Ex-officio foundation governor
1 Feb 2022 – 31
4 Peter White
Appointed by GB
4 Dec 2023 – 3 Dec 2027
Richard Chapman
Elected by school staff
23 Oct 2023 – 22 Oct 2027
5 Olivia Spilman
Appointed by GB
8 July 2020 – 7 July 2024
Liz Hebdon
Elected by parents
25 Jan 2022 – 25 Jan 2026
6 Stephen Brough (Chair)
Appointed by GB
28 March 2023 – 27 March 2027
7 Vacancy Vacancy
Sarah Dixon (Associate Member), Sally Watson (Associate Member), Gemma Goodchild (Associate Member)


The Governing Body also has the following statutory committees:

  • Pupil Discipline Committee
  • Staff Discipline Committee
  • Staff Discipline Appeal Committee
  • Complaints Appeal Committee.


Register of Business Interests:

It is important that governors and staff not only act impartially, but are also seen to act impartially. The governing body and federation staff have a responsibility to avoid any conflict between their business and personal interests and affairs and those of the federation. There is a legal duty on all governors to declare an interest likely to lead to questions of bias when considering any item of business at a meeting and for the governor concerned to withdraw, if necessary, whilst the matter is considered. To help put this duty into practice, a governing body is required to establish and maintain a register of pecuniary interests indicating, for all governors and the headteacher, any business interests. This should include, if appropriate, the company by whom they are employed, directorships, significant shareholdings or other appointments of influence within a business or other organisation which may have dealings with the federation. They should include their own interest and those of any member of their immediate family (including partners) or other individuals known to them who may exert influence. The register sheet should be signed by the governor. The register will enable governors to demonstrate that in spending public money they do not benefit personally from decisions that they make.

Our governor register of interests is available on request from the school office.

Financial Information:

No member of staff receives a salary over £100,000.

Governors’ Written Statement of Behaviour Principles

Under the Education and Inspections Act, 2006, the Governing body is charged with the duty to set the framework of the federation’s policy by providing a written statement of general principles relating to behaviour and discipline, taking into account the needs of all pupils. The purpose of this statement is to give guidance to the Headteacher in drawing up the behaviour policy by stating the principles which Governors expect to be followed. The policy aims to underpin the Governors’ duty of care to pupils and employees; promoting teaching and learning and high standards of attainment and preserve the reputation of the federation. The statement is available upon request from the school and can be viewed by opening the document below. This statement is informed by our mission statement, school Christian values and Federation vision.