01845 501239


Admissions Information

If you have a child that is due to start school in September 2023 please don’t hesitate to call us an arrange a suitable time to visit.

Starting school is a very important time for both you and your child. With your support we aim to make it a happy, smooth and rewarding experience.

In accordance with North Yorkshire’s policy, children can start school in September at the beginning of the academic year in which their fifth birthday falls. Although children are not legally required to attend school until the term after their fifth birthday, most children start full time school in September. Should parents wish their child to start on a part-time basis, or later than September, they should contact the school office. The maximum number of children who can be admitted into one school year is 15.

Parents who wish to register their children with Sessay CE Primary School should fill in a preference form (available from school, pre-school settings or online at www.northyorks.gov.uk), which should be forwarded to the LA. For admissions at other times of the school year please contact the Admissions Office on 01609 534963/ 536802.

We feel that the time before your child starts school is a good opportunity for us to get to know them. They will be invited to spend some informal sessions in school with their class and their teacher in order to familiarise themselves with their new friends and the school environment.

An Open Afternoon for the whole school is being held Saturday 15th September 10am – 12pm.

A meeting for parents of new reception children takes place in the Summer term so that everyone has all the information they need, and any questions can be raised. We have good links with the local pre-school settings, and the reception class staff visit these settings so they can see the children ‘in action’!

For further information please refer to our admissions policy.